Saturday, March 8, 2014

Day 6 - If At First You Don't Succeed...

I had planned to write about something else today, but first thing this morning I decided today's post would be about something we all know but nobody likes to talk about - failure.

I decided this as I bit into a piece of chocolate.

Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't a snickers bar, and I didn't feel too much guilt about "cheating".  I have been feeling weak in the mornings (probably a symptom of die-off), and I have found that a glass of water with a little lemon and ginger gives me what I need just to get through fixing breakfast.  But this morning was different.  I was feeling light headed and much weaker than I have the past few mornings.  I needed to do something quick.  I remembered these little chocolates my sweetheart had hidden for me around the house - little peppermint patties made with honey.  

It didn't take long for life to confirm my decision to write about failure...

Breakfast was served.

We all experience failures in our lives, some great and some small.  I, for one, tend to have these experiences in the kitchen more often than not.  It's how we handle things that matters.  

The hardest thing about this diet is mustering the self discipline it takes to keep going when the first thing on your mind for the past three days has been a glazed doughnut! 

(Oh, maybe that's just me.)

My point is, I didn't just give up and give in after this morning's little fall.  I got back up and kept going.  Because I KNOW the changes I am making in my body will all be worth it. 

If you want to change your health, you are going to have to make some big changes in the way you think about food.  It won't be easy.  Some days will be more difficult than others.  In a moment of weakness (either physical or mental), you may be tempted to throw in the towel.  But if you will stick it out, I promise, you will not regret it.  I'm not promising you a cure for your diseases or a future with no sickness or pain - but once you start to feed your body the real food it craves, healing will begin, and you will feel better than you may have felt in a very long time.

Tomorrow, I will share with you a little more of what I've been eating, and I will show you a recipe that is to diet for!  

I may have experienced some failures today, but I'm also counting my success.

I did five loads of laundry today, which in this house - from the upstairs bedroom to the basement laundry area - equals 250 steps.  

Life is good.

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