If you have decided to travel down this road with me, you are probably... hungry.
The first time I did the candida diet, I felt lost and alone - I knew about green veggies, and that was pretty much it. The web was not much help - every source of information on the subject seemed to differ in some way or another. I had to use my own judgement to decide what was best for me. I was my own guinea pig.
That's why I wanted to do this blog, to share my experiences, and to show that it doesn't take any crazy health foods or miracle pills to get started on the road to better health. I know how it feels being so tired and in so much pain that the kitchen is the last place you want to be. I want to make this easy, because I know how terribly hard even the easy things can be.
Last night, I went to bed feeling weary. Day 1 down, and I was ready to quit. I wanted a gluten free cookie (or six).
This morning, I woke feeling refreshed. I had slept fairly well (that doesn't happen all the time), and I was ready to face another day. Now, how's that for instant results?
Breakfast today, mmmm steamed broccoli...
It doesn't get much easier than that! And, soooo good!
For lunch today, I had a hard boiled egg, and a handful of almonds. For me, that isn't really enough, but I was on the run today, and that is one of the things I really need to work on - taking the time to eat real food. I did stop on the way to work for a pack of Annie Chun's Seaweed Chips which I found in the ethnic section of the grocery store for $1.59
While I was at the store, I picked up a rutabaga, since it was on the list and I've never tried it. I'll admit, I didn't have high hopes, but boy was I surprised!
I found lots of ideas on Pinterest for this ugly thing...
Tonight, rutabaga fries - oh, yes!

Just peel, slice, toss with olive oil and salt, and bake at 450 degrees until done (the recipe I used said 30 minutes, but these took closer to an hour - keep turning them every so often, so as not to burn them).
I enjoyed the fries with dinner, a big salad. By the way, I only used half of the rutabaga, and the other half I plan to eat mashed tomorrow. I wish I would have known about this sooner, I have found a new food that I really like!
One other thing I forgot to mention in Day 1's post, I have been drinking lots more water than I normally do, which doesn't really amount to as much as I should drink, but it's another thing I'm working on. Also, I enjoy a cup of green tea in the evening after supper. If you don't drink green tea, ever, it will definitely have a "cleansing" effect the first couple of times you drink it; give your body a chance to adjust, because it's super good for you.
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