Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 13 - But You Don't Need To Lose Weight

Whenever I tell people for the first time that I have a very specific diet, the response is always, "But you don't need to lose weight!"

It's true, I've never been overweight a day in my life.  In fact, for many years, I struggled to put on weight, because I was so thin I just looked unhealthy.  When I finally started eating real food, I attained an ideal weight for me within a couple of months, and I have maintained that weight for well over a year now.  

It's a shame that when people hear the word "diet", their first thought is a weight-loss plan, and usually some negative ideas.  If you've struggled with weight problems and have had enough of the roller coaster, the best thing you can do for yourself is to change your definition of "diet".  If you have to, eliminate the word from your vocabulary completely.  When you realize that your diet is actually whatever food choices you make every day, and not some temporary fad that has more to do with the way you look than how you feel, then you will be able to use the word "diet" without all those crummy feelings that go with it.

A candida diet, in it's strictest form, is truly a "crash diet".  I certainly would not recommend it as a long term weight loss plan - in fact , the point of the candida diet has nothing to do with losing weight.  However, if you have been carrying around extra weight, you will certainly begin to see that drop as your body is cleansing itself of all the junk that's been inside for so long.  If you continue to eat real food, and cut out the chemicals and processed junk food, there is a good chance you will look and feel better in no time.  As your body gets used to the idea of real nutrients instead of empty calories, it can't help but get excited about the change and get ready to work for you again.  Your body really does have the amazing ability to heal itself, given the chance and a little kick start from you.  

If you are like me and grew up on processed, instant, and fast "foods", it will take some time getting used to eating real food.  You may not know what to do with things like rutabaga and kale.  You will most certainly not like the taste of most raw veggies when you try them for the first time.  Don't give up - remember, new things are often difficult; give it two or three tries before you decide you don't like something.  Try a new veggie different ways - raw, steamed, roasted, mixed in a salad with familiar favorites...  Make up your mind to enjoy the adventure, and remind yourself again and again that this stuff is actually food, as opposed to what you've been eating!

Learn to reward yourself with pedicures and Netflix time, instead of desserts.  Keep a stash of almonds or walnuts in the car, instead of chips and cereal bars.  Take one day a week to cut up fresh veggies, so you can snack on them any time during the week.  Determine to make a big change, and then do whatever works for you to get there.  I promise, you will never regret it!

Whether or not you need to lose weight, you can experience wonderful changes in your health when you have a healthy "diet"!

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